Who woulda thunk France had high-energy, raw'n'righteous rama lama rumbling in the dire early '80s? Cameleon Records here proves it with the only issued 45 by Soggy (Waiting for the War b/w 47 Chromosomes) who really had '70s Dee-troit prime dialed in, with a hard-wired sound more akin to early American metal murmurings than what passed for danger in those days. Fronted by a manic mass of musculature all gangly and gyratin' in praise of Ig with a mane like a young Metal Mike Saunders (see the blazing amateur video of the surging A-side below) and backed by a treacherous trio choosing chunky, chugging riffs to complement all grunting and grinding. Essential.
[This review is exclusive to this destination, and acts as an addendum to the reissue column I've started for Shindig! which will start to appear in Issue 34 focusing on 45 reissues of proto-punk, power pop, "out of time" sounds and suchlike. Be on the lookout in the coming month at your fine, local newstand!]
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:spiritual sustenance provided by the perfect combination of notes and words, bringing about the sensation of excitation