Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Resonars – Crummy Desert Sound (Burger) LP

      Matt Rendon and his one-man four-track recording project (though you wouldn’t know it by the fullness captured), the Resonars, have been creating Mod-pop/power pop bedrock sounds nonpareil since “their” first footlong in 1998—with roots and unsuccessful augmentations including additional heads stretching back to '91. An off-on concern since that time amidst membership in other bands, Rendon’s creations have been resuscitated and reissued in full (every release, natch) by the king-size cheerleaders at Burger Records over the last few years. His most recent album under the name, Crummy Desert Sound, could well serve as Matt's last new release as a “solo” offering though, as this increased visibility has allowed him to put into place an able stable to express the varied emanations of his pen.

     Sir Rendon has the inner-workings of timeless pop dialed, channeling the fragility, dexterity and power of Move-era Roy Wood (“Vanishing People”), prime-time ‘60s Townshend power chords with Mooney kit whallop, and note-perfect Hollies’esque harmonies (“Invisible Gold”) exuding so much charm he deftly evades contrivance. All radiating from one man’s mind in Tuscon, AZ, the Resonars serve as something akin to a less specifically psychedelic-oriented Dukes of Stratosphere, with tunes standing aside their sources, or perhaps a very minor step under. A solid spin for anyone with a passing interest in the age-less pop playbook or looking for the magic of mid-late '60s England in one platter. Anyone not already exposed has some work ahead them.


(ahem)...If be you the sort that transits in digital, please drop your sounds here for my perusal >>>
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note energy (\ˈnōt\ \ˈe-nər-jē\ )
:spiritual sustenance provided by the perfect combination of notes and words, bringing about the sensation of excitation

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